Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On the Road to Fame and Fortune

My interview is up at 100-interviews.com. Check it out!

You may remember me mentioning the interview here. I was terribly nervous, and rocking my sexy Kathleen Turner voice after several days of partying in San Diego. Reviewers, please - go easy on me.

Follow 100-Interviews on Twitter for more social media insights. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. A totally delightful interview, Christina-Marie. That should definitely increase your fame.
    As your Adsense revenues rise, and sponsors are fighting for endorsements, don't forget the little people you met along the way (like your biggest fan and PR guy who set up the interview).
    Have a wonderful 2010. I wish the Wright 9 were here to eat black-eyed peas, turnip greans, ham hocks and cornbread with us on New Year's day.


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