If you're new here, you may not know how passionate I am about supporting Be The Match National Marrow Donor Program. You may not know just why I care so, so much. Go ahead - go read. I'll wait.
Finished? Good. Moving on...
Even if you don't know anyone in need of a bone marrow transplant, you can still help Be The Match match potential donors to recipients in need by joining the registry or contributing in another way.
That's why I'm donating $2.00 of my royalty from every eStore sale of Everything I Need to Know About Motherhood I Learned from Animal House during the month of September to Be The Match.
If we can help just ONE person join the registry, that individual may be the next one to save a life. Will you help? You'll get a really funny book in return, and the honor of helping to save lives.
Please, use the "ShareThis" feature below to share this post with your friends and family by email, Twitter, Facebook, or other means. If you're a blogger, please feel free to link to this entry.
Also, if you have a bone marrow or stem cell transplant story to tell, please share it with me, and I'll feature it here during the month to help others see why donation is so important!
Note: Be The Match has no interest in and is in no way affiliated with The Gonzo Mama, Gonzo Mama Ink, Gonzo Parenting Zine, Everything I Need to Know About Motherhood I Learned from Animal House or Wright Consulting. This is an independently-crafted fundraiser, without coordination with Be The Match.
When I go to the local book store, I'll have them order your book. I'd love to read it!