Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Gonzo Mama Guest-Blogs at!

I am so honored to announce The Gonzo Mama's first guest-blogger gig...

It all went down at Kate and Elaine, the MIC (that's Mamas In Charge) at LipstickDaily are constantly making my days a little more enlightened, a little more enjoyable, and a lot more giggly with their posts on love, careers, motherhood and life.

Imagine how excited I was when my favorite bloggers asked me - ME - to do a guest post! I squealed. I actually, honestly, loudly squealed. And then... then, I developed a case of blogger's block. I couldn't think of anything to write about.

Fortunately, I got into a fight with my husband.

What? What's that you say? I know... since when is it a fortunate thing to get into a fight with one's husband? Well... it spelled the end of my blogger's block...

"Makeup sex!" It's not what you think! Read it here, and click around LipstickDaily after you check it out... Get to know and love Kate and Elaine like I do! Tell 'em I sent ya!

1 comment:

  1. Aha . . . I knew there had to be a story behind that wonderful post! Not to mention some facebook suggestions that were right on point. Well done!


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